Recognizing there was a deficiency in the Canadian Test and Measurement market in 1979, the company was formed to provide a better interface between the customer and the (then typically US-based) manufacturer. At that same time, the GPIB instrumentation bus was growing in popularity, as was a need for interfacing the various instruments to one another and to a computer. Hence the name Interface Systems was proposed. But, someone suggested… “put an X or Z” in the name to make it more catchy”, and Interfax Systems Inc. was born…before the fax machine became a business phenomenon.
Over forty years later, we continue to serve the Canadian market. With coast to coast to coast coverage, we provide sales, support, calibration, and repair for the vendors we represent. Services centres in each of Toronto and Montreal mean that customers can have their products serviced domestically.
We have seen T&M equipment change over the decades. Certain types of equipment have come and gone; brands have changed. A few of our current suppliers are among the originals. Now with a catalogue of products from all over the world and suppliers who strive to be the best in their field, we provide solutions from DC to light and numerous steps in between.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope we can help provide the solutions you need.